Thursday, October 25, 2007

another funny moment

Hari ini gue masuk jam 10, emang jadwalnya gtu sih, hari ini cuma ada 1 kelas, which is Learning and Communication skills, nah agak2 memboringkan sih ni plajaran, cuma tadi ada kjadian lucu... jadi bgini, dosen lagi ngajar di dpan.....

Dosen: So, these are some lists of things than can hinders you from listening to a lecturer (sambil nunjuk ke papan tulis) hungry.. for example... bla bla bla, and nature calls, bla bla bla, okay lets move on to memory system, our brains are like computers by the way, don't you guys think?

Kelas: Yes mam.... (ada yang tdur, ada yang ngelamun, macem2 d)

Dosen: Yes, and then, you guys as students, must know how to memorize well, and just like i said, Your brains works like computers, if we connect this to the material, you can find similarities, example, if you want to memorize, you must store it in your brain rite?

Kelas: Yes mam.... (dengan kondisi yang sama)

Dosen: okay, if it is in the computer, where should you store your files?

Kelas: (mulai rame, berlomba2 menjawab) Hard Disk!! (dan hampir smua emang jawab itu, dan emang jwabannya yang nyambung ama dosenny itu kan? coba pikir d..)

Dosen: Yup, that's rite! do you see there's a similarity there?

(tba2 ada suara rakyat) : at My documents...

sketika skelas pada ktawa, ahahaha

skian, kasi comment yakkkk. thanks.

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