Tuesday, October 2, 2007

wuah udah lama g ngeblog

Hmm, skarang udah jam 10 di leptop gue, ahaha (soalnya jam dinding gue g jalan gt berenti di 21.50). WAAAH, udah lama bgt g ngeblog, ol, internetan, ck2 sial nih modem gue ahaha. Ngmng apa y?

Oh, hasil2 midterm gue udah keluar nih,

Management and organization: 72

Religion: 84

Microeconomics: 79

Akun: rebo bsok kayanya

Learning and communication skills: blm tau, kamis kayanya

Mat: g mau ngebagiin, tapi kata dosen "Half of the class failed" padahal kelas gue 50an orgnya
kayanya gue masuk d uhhhh

Ya gt deh nilai2 gue, kuliah tu susah trnyata (apa gue yang telat taunya?)

Aduh, bngung nih gue mau ngmng apa, kpn2 gue ngepost lagi d,

I feel it taking over everything inside of me
And I'm losing control
Weakness in my chest
My heart stops beating
Flat lined and I'm in between
This is my struggle
This is emptiness
Closer and closer again
I feel it happening
Holding fast to the hands of grace
I know youre stronger inside, stronger than me
Hope walks backwards
My thoughts in reverse
Scream for me, I'll hear your voice
My heart knows no other

Peace out.

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